SKU #10495
EDC Klappmesser
Das Slice® 10495 EDC Klappmesser ist eine stilvolle, modernisierte Version des beliebten Klappmessers und verbindet Handwerkskunst mit innovativem Design. Das Ergebnis: ein robustes, alltagstaugliches Werkzeug, das angenehm in der Hand liegt und aufgrund seiner Effektivität und Sicherheit bald Ihr neues Lieblingsmesser sein wird.
Die vorinstallierte 10404 Klinge aus Zirkonoxid verfügt über den zum Patent angemeldeten Sicherheitsschliff von Slice. Durch diese firmeneigene Technologie entsteht eine finger-friendly® Klinge, die bei Berührung sicher ist. Die rostfreie Klinge sitzt in einem schlanken Edelstahlgriff und hält bis zu 11 Mal länger als vergleichbare Metallklingen. Wenn es dann doch Zeit für eine neue Klinge ist, macht der werkzeuglose Mechanismus den Klingentausch zu einer schnellen und einfachen Angelegenheit. Dieses minimalistische Werkzeug ist mit einem federunterstützten Öffnungsmechanismus sowie einem Liner-Lock-Arretierungssystem ausgestattet. Nutzen Sie das integrierte Loch, um Ihr EDC Klappmesser an Ihrem Schlüsselband zu befestigen und immer zur Hand zu haben. Wird mit abgerundeter Sicherheitsklinge geliefert; optionale spitze Klinge verfügbar.
- Vorinstallierte Klinge: abgerundet #10404
- Robuster Metallgriff mit Liner-Lock
- Federunterstützter Öffnungsmechanismus
- Für Rechts- und Linkshänder geeignet
- Mit Loch für Befestigung am Schlüsselband
- Effektive Klinge mit finger-friendly® Sicherheitsfeature
- Minimiertes Verletzungsrisiko, geringere Kosten
- Funkenfreie, nicht leitende, unmagnetische Klinge
- Chemisch neutrale Klinge rostet nicht
- Öl- und schmiermittelfreie Klinge
- Klinge aus 100% Zirkonoxid
- Klingenschneide hält bis zu 11,2x länger als Metall
- Weniger Klingenwechsel = weniger Verletzungen
- Passende Klingen: 10404, 10408
- Werkzeugloser Klingentausch
- Art.-Nr. 10495
Great for:
- Opening cardboard boxes
- Cutting shrink wrap
- Cutting tape and box flaps
- Camping
Cutting Depth:
Material: Steel, aluminium, NGF, TPFE, nylon, zirconium oxide
Dimensions: L
Weight: 0.075 kg x W x H

The 10495 EDC Folding Knife: Blade Replacement
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FAQ - Häufige Fragen
What Is an EDC Folding Knife?
An EDC knife, as a cutter, is a generalist rather than a specialist. In other words, it needs to be able to cut the wide variety of materials you encounter in everyday life: cardboard, clamshell packaging, tape, etc. Specialty cutting jobs are best left to specialty knives. Because an EDC knife is a long-term investment, it should be dependable, durable, and comfortable to use.
How Is the Slice Folding Pocket Knife Different?
Traditional blades, whether made from metal or ceramic, have dangerous edges that are extremely sharp—far sharper than what’s needed to cut most materials. Oversharpening is a workaround intended to compensate for metal’s relatively quick dulling. While this extends the wear of a metal blade, it sacrifices user safety. Other ceramic blades mimic this traditional extremely sharp edge and are just as dangerous. While Slice blades can’t eliminate all risk of lacerations (if they could, they wouldn’t cut anything), they are the safest option on the market today. The 10495 ships with a rounded-tip blade to further protect against puncture wounds.
If you’re going to carry a tool every day, it needs to be comfortable to carry. That means not too heavy, not unwieldy. This pocketable, nimble tool comes equipped with a lanyard hole for a leather cord, making it quick to find when you’re reaching into your pocket for a knife. Its lightweight, compact design allows you to attach it to a key ring so it’s always with you. Small is an asset when it comes to EDC, and the 10495 is one of the smallest folding pocket knives available.
But don’t think this tool is lightweight when it comes to performance. This little guy has big power. Built small but tough, like a bulldog, the 10495 is made from high-grade, heat-treated steel. And the blade? Slice blades last up to 11.2 times longer than metal blades, in part because the 100-percent-pure zirconium oxide we use is extremely hard: 8.2 on the Mohs scale compared with steel at 5 to 6.5. Our blades are also thicker than standard ceramic blades.
How Will a Slice Blade Compare to a Metal Blade?
As far as wear resistance goes, our blades actually outlast metal blades by far. Independent third-party tests indicate that a Slice 10404 blade (the one used in the 10495 folding pocket knife) lasts, on average, 11.2 times longer than a comparable metal blade. In other words, Slice gives you many more days with your Every Day Carry before you’ll need a replacement blade.
And, of course, our blades are unique because of the patent-pending safety grind we employ. The resulting blade is finger friendly. While our blades can cut skin, they significantly reduce the risk of an accidental laceration.
What Materials Can I Cut With This Folding Pocket Knife?
What About Materials and Design Features?
We went back to basics with a design that favors rugged simplicity instead of gadgetry. The minimalist frame features a stable locking liner. With a sturdy pivot and a powerful, smooth, spring-assist deployment, the 10495 is ready to cut when you are. Attach it to your key ring or run a leather cord through its lined lanyard hole to keep it on hand. With a balanced, heavy-duty feel, the 10495 combines a compact form factor with a powerful deployment.
How Do You Change the Blade in the Slice Folding Pocket Knife?
The 10495 ships with our 10404 Box Cutter Blades (Rounded Tip) and is compatible with the optional 10408 Box Cutter Blades (Pointed Tip).