SKU #10518
Bastelklingen (gerade, abgerundet)
Die Slice 10518 Bastelklingen sind einseitige Klingen mit einer geraden Kante und einer abgerundeten Spitze. Sie wurden speziell für den Gebrauch mit Slice Bastelmessern entwickelt und sind ideal für präzises Schneiden und Schaben. Wie alle Keramik-Sicherheitsklingen von Slice sind diese Klingen funkenfrei, unmagnetisch, chemisch inert, hitzestabil bis zu 1600°C und rostfrei. Durch unseren patentierten Schliff schneiden sie Materialien effektiv, verletzen jedoch die Haut nicht.
- Klingentyp: gerade Kante, abgerundete Spitze
- 4 einseitig angeschliffene Klingen pro Packung
- Passendes Werkzeug: 10548
- Sicherheitsklinge, die 11x länger scharf bleibt
- Minimiertes Verletzungsrisiko, geringere Kosten
- Funkenfrei, nicht leitend, unmagnetisch
- Hitzestabil bis 1600°C
- Chemisch inert, rostet nicht
- Werkzeugloser Klingentausch
- Weniger Klingenwechsel = weniger Verletzungen
- Art.-Nr. 10518
Cutting Depth:
Material: zirconium oxide
Dimensions: L
Weight: 0.008 kg x W x H

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FAQ - Häufige Fragen
What Do People Use Craft Knives For?
People use craft knives for many laboratory and craft-related applications, such as precision cutting and gentle scraping. These hand-held precision tools are extremely versatile.
When it comes to craft knife blades, sizes don’t vary greatly. What sets Slice® craft blades apart is their finger-friendly® edge, which isn’t found on any other blade—neither metal nor ceramic. In addition, Slice uses an advanced ceramic material, which never rusts and does not require a special oil coating to maintain.
When it comes to craft knife blades, sizes don’t vary greatly. What sets Slice® craft blades apart is their finger-friendly® edge, which isn’t found on any other blade—neither metal nor ceramic. In addition, Slice uses an advanced ceramic material, which never rusts and does not require a special oil coating to maintain.
What Kind of Craft Knife Blades Does Slice Make?
Slice offers several different craft knife blade styles. These include: the 10518 (straight edge, rounded tip), the 10519 (straight edge, pointed tip), the 10520 (curved edge, rounded tip), the 10532 (corner stripping), the 10534 (chisel), 10535 (narrow, double-sided chisel), the 10536 (rounded-tip seam ripper), and the 10537 (pointed-tip seam ripper).
Experiment with the different shapes to discover which edge suits your needs. In all cases, the blades feature our safer edge.
Experiment with the different shapes to discover which edge suits your needs. In all cases, the blades feature our safer edge.
How Do I Replace a Slice Craft Knife Blade?
As with all our tools, Slice has designed a tool-free process to switch craft knife replacement blades. The process differs slightly for each tool. Here’s a quick rundown:
For the 10568 scalpel
Simply pull the ceramic blade out of its housing. The mechanism will automatically contract. Slide in a new blade and the grip will squeeze it, ensuring a strong hold.
For the 10548, 10589, and 10580 knives
First loosen the copper collar by twisting it counter clockwise. Then pull the blade out, replace it with a new one, and tighten the collar by twisting it clockwise.
For the 10568 scalpel
Simply pull the ceramic blade out of its housing. The mechanism will automatically contract. Slide in a new blade and the grip will squeeze it, ensuring a strong hold.
For the 10548, 10589, and 10580 knives
First loosen the copper collar by twisting it counter clockwise. Then pull the blade out, replace it with a new one, and tighten the collar by twisting it clockwise.